Centre for

Advisory Board

Michael Haefliger

Michael Haefliger is director of the Lucerne Festival. Moreover, he sits on various foundation boards, including those of the Avenir Suisse Stiftung and the UBS Kulturstiftung. In carrying out his activities, Michael Haefliger routinely comes across challenges that have to do with composers’ or musicians’ estates.

  • seit 2009

    Foundation Board, Avenir Suisse Stiftung

  • seit 2007

    Foundation Board, UBS Kulturstiftung

  • 2003

    Re-establishment of the “Lucerne Festival Orchestra” with Claudio Abbado and founding of the “Lucerne Festival Academy” with Pierre Boulez

  • seit 1999

    Director, Lucerne Festival

  • 1999

    Executive MBA, University of St. Gallen

  • 1986

    Co-founder, “Davos Festival”

  • 1983

    Bachelor of Music (Violin), Juilliard School of Music